日々の色々-from 2004-


日本語プライベートレッスン-Japanese private lesson-





















I have been a part-time instructor at a Japanese language school since October last year. I originally wanted to do a private lesson, but I decided to do a lesson for Americans.


He is working for a Japanese company in the United States and transferred to a Japanese office. But he has been to Japan many times so he can talk a little and he can read Hiragana and Katakana.


What do you think is difficult when learning Japanese? First of all, it is the use of verbs. Japanese is an agglutinative language whose ending changes. And verbs can be divided into three types of transformation.


Japanese language schools usually teach these three groups first. If you remember this, it's certainly easy afterwards, but if you do this in a weekly conversation lesson, it's definitely not fun.


I don't want to do that, so I don't teach it, so I'm giving lessons so that he can talk about what he wants to talk about while showing a table of use when needed. He also has a strong desire to talk with Japanese people, so he tries to learn very hard.


Do you know how Japanese language schools usually teach Japanese to foreigners? When I became a Japanese language teacher, my mother said, “Can you speak English too much?” Most people have this misunderstanding, but there are usually multinational students at Japanese schools, so we do not teach in English.


In other words,  we teach Japanese in Japanese. This is called direct method. If you don't have any knowledge of Japanese, we say you 0 level beginner, but I haven't taught 0 level beginners yet. The Japanese language school students I teach who studied Japanese in their home country for about half a year, so they can talk a little.


When teaching a new sentence pattern in Japanese, use a sentence pattern and words learned so far to teach a new sentence pattern. It ’s really hard.


However, in this private lesson, I teach Japanese while mixing English (indirect method). It is much easier. I am also eager to learn English more.


 If you would like to have Japanese lessons (individual / group) and correction / proofreading of the text, please contact me from the inquiry form.
Contact us from here